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The best dentist necessary to maintain good dental health

Oral health is necessary to be maintained by the best dentist in Delhi. Our mouth is full of bacteria among which most of them are harmless. With regular brushing and using dental floss, the growth of the bacteria can be controlled. Irregular oral care can lead to growth of the bacteria and can increase oral infections like gum disease, decay in the tooth and foul smell. Maintenance of poor hygiene can also lead to formation of plaque, a colourless white sticky fluid which into the gum line and is the root cause for multiple infections in the mouth and body. Irregular brushing and flossing can lead to accumulation of plaque in between the gum spaces. This accumulation of plaque may cause gingivitis and a severe gingivitis leads to periodontitis which is an acute ulcerous gingivitis.

Conditions linked to oral health

There are several other diseases and health conditions related to oral hygiene which can be prevented if you visit the dentist in Delhi on a regular basis. Some of it is stated as

  •       Endocarditis which is an infection which happens when germs from other parts of the body        enters into the bloodstream and flows into the damaged areas of the heart.

  •       Periodontitis or ulcerous gingivitis can lead to complications during pregnancy and low birth    weight of the child.

  •        Some oral bacteria can cause stroke as it can create inflammation and the arteries might get      clogged.

  •        People who suffer from HIV or AIDS face commonly oral problems like mucosal lesion

  •       Periodontal bone and tooth loss can cause osteoporosis and makes the bones weak.

  •       Diabetes reduces the immunity system in human beings and increases the risk of the gums. 
             In the similar manner, diabetes also gets aggravated once the people start having gum                problems.

  •       Alzheimer’s disease can also be caused in case of loss of tooth before a person reaches the        age of 35.

  •        Other common problems like dry mouth or eating disorders can be linked with oral health.


In order to lead a healthy life and avoid chronic diseases it is very important to maintain oral hygiene and visit the dentist in Delhi at regular intervals.  The regular dental care which includes Brushing the teeth twice, using dental floss regularly, eating a balanced diet and limit the snack eating in between meals should be practiced regularly. One more important thing which is to be taken care is the replacement of the toothbrush every three to four months or before the bristles of the toothbrush gets frayed. It is to be kept in mind that the investment done for oral health is actually the investment for the overall health of the body.  The best dentists in Delhi are available in BLK Hospitals  who give them the best care to your oral hygiene.

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